Minister Bowen can fix Australia’s methane measurement problem by turning expert advice into action and require coal & gas operators to directly measure their methane pollution.
Cutting methane from the energy sector is the fastest strategy to reduce global warming this decade and avoid dangerous climate tipping points. Rapidly cutting methane could avoid 0.5°C of warming this century.
Australia is dangerously under-reporting super-polluting coal & gas methane pollution by 60-90%. Current methane measurement methods allow companies to guess their emissions rather than directly measure methane.
The Government’s Climate Change Authority recommends shifting to the direct measurement of methane pollution and investing in the Government’s access to the latest measurement technologies to ensure companies are transparent about their pollution.
We need Minister Bowen to join international counterparts on methane action and improve Australia’s methane measurement, or Australia will remain at the back of the pack and miss crucial emissions reduction opportunities.