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New Resource from Ember: The Hidden Methane Threat from Coal

Ember has released a new resource highlighting an often-overlooked climate threat: methane emissions from coal mines.

While coal burning is widely recognised as a major contributor to global warming, this resource focuses on the lesser-known fact that coal mines are also a significant source of methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat.

With stunning infographics and animations, this explainer breaks down the hidden dangers of methane from coal and underscores the urgent need for cleaner energy solutions.

Ember's Coal Mine Methane Explainer

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NEW | A fact about coal that receives very little attention is that coal mines are a major source of METHANE 🔥

During its first 20 years in the atmosphere, #methane's warming impact is more than 80 times that of carbon dioxide 🌍🌡️

And coal mines are responsible for about a THIRD of energy sector methane emissions 🚩

But why exactly do coal mines emit methane?.. 🤔

Learn more by scrolling deep into a coal mine in Ember’s latest interactive explainer 👇

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